Amphibious powered parachute, Buckeye Explorer amphibious powered parachute.

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Buckeye Explorer amphibious powered parachute.

I once asked the late, Chuck Hamilton one of the co-designers of the Challenger, why he was introducing a two engine aircraft based on his single engine Genesis design.

His reply was "to get press coverage." Say what? According to Chuck when your new or different the "PRESS" take note and writes about you.

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It appears Chuck's thinking was true - at Sun N Fun this year a new kind of powered parachute was introduced. The design itself wasn't new - the change in the design was. The Buckeye "EXPLORER" - an amphibious powered parachute.

The first question I asked when I saw it was, does it actually fly? That was answered when the craft took to the air not only with floats installed but with two people on board!

The next question was can it actually take off and land on water? Yes it can take off from land - land on water, taxi around on the water, and then take off again. But it can't actually land, let the chute deflate and take off from water.

But like any other float plane - you need power, and lots of itexplorerst.gif (84189 bytes). The "Explorer" flown at the show had a modified Rotax liquid cooled two stroke engine, with an expansion chamber to give it that little extra needed  for float operation. Yet even with using an expansion chamber the noise level didn't appear to be any louder than the stock engine!

For more information on the "Explorer" contact:

FlightLine TV at:

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