Para-Cycle, ParaCycle powered parachute from Para-Cycle Inc.

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ParaCycle powered parachute from Para-Cycle Inc.

So here you have a beautiful evening to go flying BUT -the wife's got the car. No problem - you slip into the garage dig out your Para-cycle. No not bicycle Para-cycle. It's a powered parachute that coverts to a three wheeled bike in a matter of minutes.
After pedaling out the the airfield you disconnect your pedals - dig out the chute from the back of the bike and lay it out on the ground.

paracylelg.gif (120556 bytes)Fire up the little 2si engine and off into the wild blue yonder you go. Sound a little far fetched? Not at all according to the co-designer of the Para-cycle Lee Floyd III.
The Para-cycle is a single place powered parachute which with the standard engine,a   2si twin cylinder two stroke and chute can lift a 230 lb. pilot into the air in about 50 feet, with a climb rate of over 400 feet per minute. For those wanting a little more get up and go a bigger chute and Rotax engine are available.

paraflyingL.gif (44143 bytes)
It was fun to watch as Lee Floyd III pedaled his three wheeled recumbent bike out on to the runway, hooked up his engine pack and chute. Laid the chute out behind - started up the engine and took off into the evening sky. He literally went from a 3 wheeled bike to a powered parachute in less than ten minutes. This is accomplished by quick disconnect pins which allow removal of the engine pack. Another unique thing is that by removing a pin the pedals that you pedal now become your rudder pedals for steering!
hasn't been sitting around on his laurels since introducing the Para-cycle last year. The craft shown at Sun N Fun had a 10 inch wider stance, for better ground handling. Power was supplied by a 447 Rotax engine vs. the 2si. The throttle control has been moved to between the pilots legs, just in front of the seat.

For more information contact:
Para-cycle Inc. Box 1906
Windermere FL 34786-1906

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