Warp 1 ultralight, Nova 1 ultralight aircraft from Star-Lite Engineering.

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Warp 1 & Nova 1 ultralight aircraft.

Two years ago at Oshkosh I came across a sleek little design called the   Warp -1. The craftwarp1a08.jpg (47691 bytes) featured an all composite fuselage, and wings in a pusher configuration.

The pilot sat in a little bubble cockpit, with the engine behind and above him, with the wings located at eye level on the fighter plane like fuselage.

At that show it was still in it's design stages. This year the Star-Lite people showed up at Lakeland with the Warp 1 and their new single seat open air model called the Nova starlitecr.gif (84776 bytes)

I was looking forward to getting some video footage of the Warp 1 flying but unfortunately the craft had an engine failure on its first take off and the pilot, stalled the craft at low altitude and spun into the ground, and was killed.Reports I got before leaving the show was that the craft had about 40 hours on it prior to the accident, and that the engine failure was caused by water in the fuel system.

nova.gif (100617 bytes)The Nova 1 did not fly at the show but it did catch a lot of eyes in the companies static display. The craft features all composite construction, in an open air configuration.

The craft is designed around the U.S. part 103 legal ultralight, with its weight coming in at just under 254 lbs. It cruises along at 45/50 mph with a climb rate of about 500 feet a minute using a little Zenoah engine. The company estimated building times to be in the 50 to 60 hour range.

For more information contact
Star-Lite Engineering, Ltd.
11509 Diamond Mill Road
Englewood, OH 45322 U.S.A.

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